This is a LEGO creation by Keith Fisher on Flickr. I’ve already tweeted it but I just love what he’s done to add to the fantastic Ninjago City set so much I just had to re-share it as it was shouting at me from my Flickr page.
He’s really created a beautiful extension to the Ninjago City set. Excuse me while I gush about how good this set is – I have it to build. Just waiting till the conditions are perfect to get the most from it. SOOOOOO EXCITED! It’s crammed full of details, and there’s so many great reviews around if you’re thinking about getting it. And my thoughts on the set will be coming soon.
And the best part is, he’s already planning to add the recently announced Ninjago City Docks set to his City when it comes out. Cannot wait to see how that goes. From everything we’ve seen, it connects to the back of the existing model on the side that Lloyd’s house sits.
Looking around Keith’s intricate build, and it’s really hard not to love all the little details he’s managed to cram into it. You could spend days looking for everything he’s crammed in. And in the the true form of the source, he’s made sure there’s things happening round the back of the set.
Please go and check out Keith’s photos on Flickr.
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Hey which other set did you add to Ninjago city? I can’t find the set with the clown face for
The life of me!
You’d need to ask the person that made the MOC. The link is in the post to the original Flickr page. All of that is custom built. Looks amazingly chaotic and perfectly fits the Ninjago City build I think!